
Imagine your school's cheerleaders holding the sides of an enormous football breakaway banner at your home game. It is beautifully decorated with your school's colors and the logo is smack dab in the center. The crowd is on its feet, cheering as loud as they can for the team. Out comes your squad onto the field, lead by the senior captain. He runs full speed and bursts right through the breakaway banner as his teammates follow behind him. The crowd goes bananas! You could not ask for a better beginning to your football game.
An energetic crowd can be the difference between a win and loss for any school sports team. While cheerleaders often use field runner flags to pump up the crowd, you have several more scenarios in which the flags will help. Follow these three tips at your next game for a crowd that won’t quit.
Nowadays, high schools, colleges, and even some middle schools need to be managed like corporations. Branding builds school spirit. If people in your area see the school name, logo, colors, and sports jerseys around town, on television, the web, or radio, they'll be much more inclined to have school spirit.
When looking to create branding guidelines for your school, you may feel overwhelmed. The best place to start is by creating a strong visual identity. A visual identity is a collection of graphic elements that include a brand’s logo(s), colors(s) and font(s). The most important thing to remember is that you need to keep these things consistent to start developing a strong, positive brand for your school. This will help your school and team to not only be recognized, but more importantly, remembered.
When putting on an athletic event, there are typically two different areas that showcase your facility and showcase your school to visiting teams. First, there is the actual playing venue. The basketball court, the football field, the baseball field or the swimming pool. All of this directly reflects on your school, as it is what the students and parents see. Secondly, there is what is seen behind closed doors. The locker room also has an impact on students. An updated locker room can make your athletes feel as if they’re playing at the next level. If your team is impressed with the facilities, others will be as well.

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