
Successful athletes are often the most competitive individuals on your team. They strive to lift the most, run the fastest, or jump the highest. Start rewarding their ambition by putting their name on a strength record board, where everyone can see it. It’s a tremendous feeling knowing you’ve measured yourself against your peers and knowing you’ve come out on top.
When it comes to encouraging player development, coaches rely on clear communication. 65% of the population consists of visual learners, or people that recall information best when they see images or demonstration. Leaning too heavily on spoken word or lectures can be a missed opportunity for coaches. By adding visual cues to your lesson such as an illustration of a play, you are playing to the strength of both sight and sound recollection. This multiple-sense approach can help create vivid memories and impactful instruction.
Each fall, cheer squads across the country play a vital role supporting their football team and the fans. High energy and carefully-choreographed routines pump up the crowd and add to the game-day spectacle. Looking for some additional support? Here are the most popular flags and banners that help cheerleaders bring the crowd to a fever pitch.
As the dog days of summer march forward, workouts grow in intensity and football teams begin eying the first kickoff of the season. The countdown to fall is on, and your players aren’t the only ones ready for the thrill of another football season. While coaches and players are working tirelessly to get ready for that kickoff, there’s no better time to get your athletic facilities prepped for the new season.
Ice, wind, and the harsh ultraviolet rays from the sun can all be harmful for outdoor signage. Choosing the right materials should be the biggest consideration when selecting outdoor recognition signs. It’s important that your signs stand up to all the standard weather elements. In the sign industry, standard elements are defined as temperatures between 150 degrees and -50 degrees Fahrenheit.

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