
Those who coach high school football know that their team will fall behind at one point or another. Your team will likely be down by a score or two in at least half of your games. The way that you respond to these challenges will determine your team's success.
The world has always loved an underdog. Seeing the triumphant overcoming of the odds and defeating someone deemed invincible is what makes sports so truly polarizing. It gives people hope throughout the rest of their life. As America's most popular sport, football has all sorts of incredible underdog stories.
When you think football, explosive power and speed come to mind as the key components for performance at all positions on the field. In addition to increasing these two capabilities for your players, one of the goals for your football season should be to improve their flexibility.
High school football coaches have a responsibility to help your athletes balance athletics and academics. It's easy for players to lose sight of academics during a busy football season. Let's take a look at how coaches can help players achieve the delicate balance between football and schoolwork.
As the season progresses, you want to see your players getting better. To that end, you should be measuring each player's progress during football season, and sharing it with them. Here are the reasons why this is so important.

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