
Ryan Willi

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With the summer upon us, there is no better time to start preparing for the upcoming seasons by ordering your school’s record boards. They’re an excellent way to highlight last year’s athletic achievements, while also motivating the athletes to continue working hard to make records of their own. Deciphering which record board is best for your school can be a daunting task. Here are four considerations for choosing record boards for the upcoming seasons.
So, you’ve decided it’s time your athletes were recognized for their hard-won achievements. A school record board is a great way to do it. Record boards can be displayed both indoors and outdoors, but outdoor record boards require a little more thought to make sure they are done right. Outlined below are the largest factors to keep in mind when considering an outdoor record board for your team.
Congratulations! If you are reading this, chances are you had some school records broken and you want to show them off. Anytime someone reaches out to us for record updates, we know that the sooner you can update the board, the better. Typically, we recommend updating your school record board at the end of each season. This keeps your cost down in the event that the same athlete breaks her own record multiple times in a season. When you are ready to update your record board, follow the directions below.
Some of you may laugh at this question as it seems there is always a fight for a bigger athletics budget, but this is a regular question that we get. Sometime around the start of May, athletic directors and coaches are wrapping up their purchases for the year, and they are getting a better feel for what kind of money they have left. For those that are fortunate enough to have some money left over, they need to come up with a project that addresses a need quickly to be able to get the PO written in time. School budgets typically turn over June first, but new POs are cut off at the end of May. It is not unusual for us to receive POs at the end of the school year for line items such as “graphics not to exceed $10,000” or some other amount. This type of generic PO allows the individual to use their full budget without losing it the next year while also addressing a school graphics need.
Distance running is not for the faint at heart. Each year, athletes dedicate loads of time and energy mentally and physically equipping their bodies in training for cross country season. The most dedicated of runners train year-round, sometimes with dreams of trumping regional or state records, and sometimes with the goal to simply beat their own personal best.

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