
Ryan Willi

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Look good, feel good. Feel good, play great! This is true with more than just uniforms. Your athletic facilities can affect how athletes feel about their program and even how they perform. Wall graphics are a great way to establish a tone for your upcoming season and set your program apart.
One thing we often hear from athletic directors and coaches is that they have wonderful athletic history and tradition, but they have nothing to show it off. Many outstanding athletes have come and gone over the years that have been completely forgotten. Cracking an old yearbook shouldn't be the only way to shed light on your athletic legacy. It's time to honor these past athletes.
Yesterday’s home runs may not count in today’s game, but yesterday’s games play a huge role in defining your program’s legacy. Legacies are born from hard work, dedication and a series of defining moments in competition. Just about every classic sports movie from Hoosiers to Remember the Titans builds up to a defining moment when the athletes rally together to defy the odds. These defining moments inspire current athletes to stay hungry and accomplish seemingly impossible goals, while also setting the bar high for the athletes of tomorrow.
The National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) is a Dallas, Texas based non-profit on a mission to boost student performance in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Their concern is that the United States is falling behind in these key subjects, while other countries throughout the World are surging ahead. Team Fitz Graphics recently had the opportunity to work with NMSI on banners that promote their program.
You tell your athletes that they must protect their home field, but have you ever considered if it appears worth protecting? Most stadiums tend to have the same or similar structure with a large set of bleachers on the home side, a press box up top, smaller bleachers on the visitor side, a concession stand or two underneath and a locker room or facilities building at one end zone. A major renovation to create a custom stadium may be out of the question, but there are some things you can do with the existing structure to create the custom look everyone wants. Check out the list below for some easy ways to dress up your stadium so fans and visitors know exactly where they are and whose field it is!

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