School Spirit Gone Wrong

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It’s game day, homecoming, tournament time. Die hard student-fans are going all out for their spirit week costumes and the entire campus is buzzing with excitement. The streamers are strewn and the pom-poms are off. It’s all great fun, but like anything vicarious thrill that excites passion and pride in its onlookers, someone always tends to get a little…carried away.  


Here are some examples of school spirit going a tad too far:

  • Shaving your facial hair into the shape of your school’s logo. A big “T” for “Texas” on your baseball cap is adequate. We promise.
  • Finding out you have a body paint allergy half way into the first quarter. Looks like the BEARS will have to go without their letter B…
  • Rushing the field before time is actually up.
  • Jumping the gun on spirit week and showing up to school dressed as a Hippie-Freddy Krueger a whole Monday early.
  • Discovering your face paint isn’t as “washable” as advertised.
  • Getting so excited for that touchdown, you accidentally celebrate with the wrong team.

Have your fair share of school spirit fails? Share them with us by submitting a comment below!

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