Motivate Athletes Using Past Records

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There are a multitude of responsibilities that come with being a coach.  Coaches are expected to get their players in shape, teach them how to play the game, make decisions on how plays should be run, and ultimately win games. But the most important, as well as most difficult, responsibility for any coach is to keep his or her players motivated throughout the season. As simple as this may sound, it can sometimes be a daunting task especially when the team may be having a rough season and are ready to give up.  


There are many different ways to motivate players, but to be effective, here are a few key steps to follow: It is important to model what you expect of your players, listen to them, give them reasons to work hard, and recognize and reward their achievements. The first two points focus mainly on communication between coaches and athletes, and coaches and fellow coaches. If the players feel like the coach is unapproachable or difficult, it can be frustrating and have a negative effect on their attitude.

The last two points are done by instilling goals for the players individually or the team as a whole. One way to achieve this is through the use of a posted record board. By acknowledging the players and their achievements on a visible display board for everyone to see, it not only makes the player proud of their achievement, but will also motivate them to work harder to improve their record. The record board is a great tool that follows the basic principles of motivation which are setting goals and establishing rewards when those goals are reached.  It is the same theory behind giving trophies for the winning team. While the trophy is a nice keepsake, the real purpose is to have something to show that the team achieved the top rank in that competition. Recognition for his or her achievements is the best way to keep a player focused, motivated and continuing to set newer, higher goals for themselves. With the record board, their achievements are not only recognized by the coach or team, but by all those in the organization and community they are a part of.

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