How to Update Gym Banners

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There are several different types of championship gym banners available to athletic directors and coaches. The two main types are championship banners and add a year championship banners. The first designates single victories like state championship wins while the add-a-year style usually includes multiple categories such as district, sectional and regional championships.

Add-a-year banners are a great way to consolidate your championship banners into a cost and space effective project. Wall space is usually a big factor in deciding between these two. If you have a lot of championship teams you are going to quickly run out of gymnasium wall space. In this case, add-a-year banners may be the right style for you. For most schools we recommend add a year gym banners for accomplishments such as league, district and regional championships. Then we advise them to get separate state championship banners to honor these particularly difficult wins. This is a great way to combine the two and properly display all of your athletic program’s achievements. One of the best features of add-a-year team banners is they are easy to update as needed; most of the time without even having to take the banners off the wall. Below is a transcription of our YouTube video “Team Fitz Graphics – Championship Add a Year Banner Update Explaination“.

Add a Year Championship Banner Update Video Transcript

What we’re going to do is take some tape, tear it up top, and just align here. Make sure it’s straight across this line, and straight with the ten. I’ll take my tape, make sure it’s secure. You want to go ahead and step back, to look at it and make sure that it really does align with everything. Just to double check.

What we’re going to do is take some tape, tear it up top, and just align here. Make sure it’s straight across this line, and straight with the ten. I’ll take my tape, make sure it’s secure. You want to go ahead and step back, to look at it and make sure that it really does align with everything. Just to double check.

You’ll peel back the transfer tape, cut away your backing paper and you’ll take that straight edge that we talked about. Just make sure that you get all of the air bubbles out as you’re going across. We’ll peel the masking tape, peel back the backing paper, and you’re all finished. Go over it a little bit just to make sure, like I said, all of the air bubbles and everything are out of it. Then you just want to slowly peel this tape off, making sure that none of the vinyl comes with it. And you can even go over it one more time, if you like, just to make sure it’s on there.

Team Fitz specializes in all types of banners for the gym, court or field including championship banners, conference banners, breakaway banners, team banners and field runner cheerleading flags. We can be reached by phone at 855.356.8550.

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