Developing Your Own School Spirit

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In college, school spirit is a more organic creature than a forced process. Most students who end up at a particular college or university selected it over other schools. This gives them a unique pride in the school they selected, so rooting for their school and showing off their school spirit is generally easier to do.


However, high school is different. The majority of the children did not have a say in their high school enrollment–they are there because that is the school district their family lives in. Due to this, the creation of school spirit needs some assistance. Current athletes for the school are likely to show team spirit for other sports as they understand what it is like to compete against other schools and other teams. Sometimes it takes a bit of assistance to drum up school spirit and excitement for the remainder of the student body. Below are a few opportunities school officials can use to promote school spirit:


In most areas of the country, football brings in the most number of high school fans. Basketball can have a nice turn out, as can other sports. Instead of just calling the area where students sit the “student section,” give it a fun and exciting name. It can be named after the school, the building, the coach or really anything. It unites the students together. Students in the Michigan State University basketball student section are members of the “Izzone” (after their head coach). Students in the Duke section are “Cameron Crazies” (after the building) while students in the University of Michigan basketball student section are part of the Maize Rage (after the team color). A clever name can bring out the fullest level of student pride and spirit at the games.


A pep rally before games is a great way to boost school spirit. This can include the sports team, the cheerleaders and maybe even a local celebrity introducing the team. This brings together not just those who are already fans and show their school pride, but other students who typically don’t. In high school, students want to fit in, so if they see their peers rooting for the team, they are more likely to follow along and build their own interest as well.


Make sure students can easily pick up clothing merchandise. This way, they can wear out a sweatshirt or tank top with the school’s own logo.

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